Test Drive

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Test Drive:

Introduction to Web III. A hands on experience.

Web III Test Drive

Quest: Install Metamask

Task: Copy the 12 word seed on a piece of paper

Quest: Private Keys and Public Address

Click on the 3 dots besides your account name, and select account details.

Click on show private key.

Task: Look at the Private Key of your account. (Ans: Quiz: how many characters it has? 64, 32, 16)


With a Private Key you can import the associated account from any wallet on any device. whoever has the private key, controls the funds associated with that address.

Quest: Change Networks

Click on the Ethereum Mainnet tab. Other available networks appear. These are networks compatible with the Ethereum network format. We will use the Polygon network in our exercises.

Click on the add button to add the Polygon network.

Notice that the tab reads now Polygon Mainnet. You are warned that gas fees are in Pol, and that you can't send funds from one network to another using the send button.

For sending assets from one blockchain to another you have to use the "Bridge" technology.

Task: Show a screenshot of your metamask connected to the Polygon Mainnet


It is very important to notice that, when you are connected to the Ethereum Mainnet, your Account 1 (If you haven't changed the name of it) Is an address in the Ethereum network.

When you switch networks to the Polygon Mainnet. You have an account on that network with the same name, but they are different accounts.

For simplicity and convenience they share the same string of characters that identifies them. But if you have some funds in one account, you won't see the funds in the other account, because they are NOT the same account.

This is also important when you connect to a website, because if you connect an account in the Polygon network, for example, the other account in the Ethereum network is not connected automatically.

Quest: Website interaction, connect account

Open Metamask. Click on Expand view. With your Metamask extension connected to the Ethereum Mainnet visit this website:

Buy Tokens / Trade

Scroll down to the section: Buy Tokens. Underneath the red warning. (to know more about the red warning visit the Frontrunning quest.)

If it is the first time you connect with the website it will not show the price of the tokens.

Click on connect account.

This will connect the website to your account using Metamask.


After you gave permissions to connect with this site it will show the token prices in USD.

Notice that the buttons in the right hand side column say ETH/SPRING, ETH / SUMMER, etc.

the website is displaying information pertaining to the Ethereum blockchain.

Task: Share a screenshot of the token's prices in the Ethereum network.

Quest: Website Interaction, changing networks

Let's go back to your Metamask tab.

Click on the 3 dots at the right hand side of the account name. click on all permissions.

This displays the websites that you have granted permissions to read data from your account. Click on the seasonaltokens.org tab and click on disconnect.

Now the seasonaltokens.org website is disconnected from the account.

Change the network to Polygon Mainnet.

Visit Buy Tokens / Trade again, This time with Metamask connected to the Polygon network.

Look again in the Buy Tokens section. (under the red warning horizontal bar)

Your account is disconnected from the website, so the token prices table is empty. Click on connect account to connect your Polygon account to the website.

The website now should display the information from the Polygon network.

Task:Share a screenshot of the tokens prices in the Polygon network

Exercise Notice the differences in price between the two networks.


Quest: Sample Transaction

Receive tokens and Pol for the following exercises. At the end of the exercises you can return the remaining tokens and POL.

Update your public address in your zealy profile. So we can send you some tokens. And POL so you can pay the gas for few transactions.

When you receive the tokens, navigate to the transaction page.

Examine the token transaction data.

Task: get the public address of the sender (Ans: Text)

Quest: Examine the POL transaction data.

Task: Get the POL contract address (ans: text)

Quest: Add Tokens to Metamask

Metamask doesn't know you have tokens, you have to add them.

Task: show the tokens in your metamask (Ans: Upload File)

Quest: Swap tokens for Pol

Explain price impact.

Swap some tokens for POL

Task: transaction address (ans: link to transaction)

Quest: Front-running Bots

Explain front-running. Turn on smart transactions in Metamask.

Token smart contracts.

Quest: Mint transactions.

Quest: Mining Pool

(GPU, BlackMiners)

Swaps Buy Sell

Quest: Uniswap liquidity pools

Quest: Token Pair Contracts

Quest: Price trackers


Quest:Creating a farm position NFT

Quest:Deposit LP in the Farm

Ways to make money with S.T

Trading Simulator Trade tokens for more tokens

Investors Club

Features left for Test Drive:

Price Impact

Layer II



Compare features to Etherscan


Wrapped BTC https://www.kraken.com/learn/what-is-wrapped-bitcoin-wbtc