Seasonal Tokens Tribe
The Seasonal Tokens Tribe is a group of community members who want to participate directly in the promotion of Seasonal Tokens.
With their time, knowledge, and contacts they provide a very valuable service to the project, and in return, they are eligible for special rewards.
Seasonal Tokens Promotion Roles
There are 3 levels of promotion roles, Rewards and responsibilities increase with every role.
Basic: Gatherer
The basic role is obtained from the Discord Server. Head over to the #reaction-roles channel under the Information category and react to the message.
This role opens the Seasonal Tokens Tribe Channel and allows you to gather the initial experience points (xp) to become Hunter.
The experience points are obtained from the platform used to monitor, verify and administrate promotion tasks, rewards, etc. Therefore, S.T Tribe members must have a account to participate in the campaigns and claim rewards.
Intermediate: Hunter
The Hunter role is obtained by clearing all the tasks of the Gatherer role. And it is automatically granted by the Zealy platform.
Advanced: Shaman
The Shaman role is locked for Diamond Whales because it entails more responsibilities, and it is eligible for the highest rewards. Additional to the Diamond whale role you must collect enough experience points as Hunter to obtain it.
Seasonal Tokens Tribe Channel
This channel is visible to community members who claimed the "gatherer" role in #reaction-roles.
This is the place to discuss community promotion strategies, campaigns, tasks, etc. It may contain other sub-channels for the proper organization of different tasks.
Review Claims Sub-Channel
This channel is visible to Shaman role and it receives notifications from Zealy about new claims to review. Only Shaman role receives notifications about the verification of tasks. It receives a daily summary of all claimed quests.
New Quests Sub-Channel
Visible to all promotion roles. Receives a message when a new quest is created.