Autumn Halving
The Halving of Mining Supply puts Upward Pressure on Bitcoin's Price
The key observation that led to the creation of Seasonal Tokens can be seen in the following chart. It shows the historical Bitcoin's price. The blue vertical lines mark the dates when the mining supply of bitcoin was cut in half.
As you can appreciate, there is nothing particularly enlightening about this graph. It is hard to see the effect of the halving of the mining supply. The price changes are so large that the information is lost in the details of price fluctuations.
If we look at the graph on a logarithmic scale, we can concentrate on the order of magnitude changes, paying less attention to the random fluctuations in the price. Then a pattern emerges:
Months after the halving of the mining supply a bull market sends the Bitcoin price to all-time highs, this bull market sends the price way above its cost of production and the whole thing ends up with a price bubble leading to a bear market that may last for years until the next halving occurs.